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 Post subject: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 14th, '16, 23:33 

Joined: Aug 13th, '16, 21:29
Posts: 5
Character Full-Name and Titles::

Character Race and Class::

Why does your character wish to join Blackguard? If the answer is "gold", tell us why gold matters to them.:
Blightbone would like to join the Blackguard to fill his need to follow orders and keep his Scourge induced bloodlust sated. This could usually be filled by simply joining up with the regular armies of the Horde. Except he’s got some reservations about that. Most of the regulars would have him placed in a regiment of Forsaken, and while it’s little problem to handle them on a short term basis, or even on in smaller amounts for a longer time, Blightbone’s rather ashamed of having failed the citizens of Lordearon throughout multiple lives. This means that he’d rather serve in a more diverse group.

Describe your character's past. Where did they grow up? How did they learn their trade? What kind of work history do they have? Whatever you think is relevant to who they are – but aim for at least 3 full lines.:

Tell us about your character's skillset. What can they do that would be valuable to a mercenary company?:
Blightbone is well versed in the various disciplines taught to the death knights of Acherus. Though he mainly focuses on the use of various runeblades and bringing icy cold death to his enemies he is also proficient in the use of various plague magics. Due to his various past lives he’s also become decent at doing what he’s told, something rather strongly recommended in the Dark Lady’s forces.
He could also quite likely grow a variety of produce including, but not limited to; pumpkins, grapes and wheat. If given enough time that is.

What are your character's feelings regarding the other Horde races?:
Blightbone feels intense guilt towards his fellow Forsaken, and though he won’t let it interfere with what must be done and mostly internalizes it, he won’t be happy to interact with them for extended periods of time.
Apart from this he sees the Tauren as a noble but rather naïve race, due to their attempts to cure the Forsaken of their undeath.

Old enemies, old loyalties - does your character have them? Who with?:
His enemies are more against the general idea of anything other than them existing than than they are enemies of Blightbone in particular. The Scourge, and the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade first among these.
Old loyalties come easily with having lived multiple lives. He has some family that he thinks live somewhere around Westfall and while he’s never seen them or heard of them he’d rather not accidentally kill them anytime soon. His second live had him serving the Dark Lady with fanatical fervor, followed soon after by a third live spend with the Ebon blade. Blightbone would rather not fight against any of these groups as a whole but wouldn’t be opposed to taking on individual members of the groups.

Finally, write a quick paragraph, describing your character doing something typical to them. (This is to help us get a feel for how you play, so make it something you might type in RP.):
Liches come from mortals who desperately seek to live forever. Blightbone didn’t see the appeal. Dying twice was plenty, and now he sat silently in the charred remains of his home. He’d lost it the first time around, never managed to rebuild either. Too busy. Of course, now he’d have more problems with it. Stones don’t do too kindly against being frozen and unfrozen over and over. Steps sounded outside, which was quite worrying, woodland critters had long ago learned to avoid the place. People however, are notoriously bad at following very obvious do not enter signs. “Because there’s always treasures” Blightbone muttered aloud.
“Oi! Armund! Let’s check out this craphole eh?”
“I’m not so sure Berry...You even looked at this place? I don’t think there’s much scavenging to be done here.”
“Crusade says we check it out, we check it out. Now don’t be such a damn coward for once.”
Blightbone rose up from the floor, looks like today wasn’t about to end in peaceful contemplation.
“Berry, there’s a something in here!”
“Well go and whack it!”
“You do it!”
Blightbone tapped his foot impatiently. Dying always took too long.
Finally an axe carefully peaked around the corner, followed by a red clad arm.
“Well alright i’ll get it Armund. Probably another bloody spider. Thing’s the size of a cow here”.
“Hi.” waved Blightbone.
The crusader, probably Berry looked rather flabbergasted. Probably wasn’t expecting to find a fully armored Forsaken standing in the middle of nowhere.
“It’s a bloody lightforsakenthing!” shouted Berry.
“A what now?!” replied the other crusader, Arnold.
Blightbone waved.
Berry hestitated, slowly raising his hand to return the wave as the second crusader, Ernst, rounded the corner.
“The heck you’re doing?! Don’t wave! Kill it!” Almond didn’t appear quite pleased with his friend’s approach to fighting their unholy enemies.
“You do know an axe is a brute’s weapon right?” grinned Blightbone as he grabbed his own runeaxe.
The crusaders hesitated, runes lit blue, and two men died.
No death today it seems. Well, not his own at least.

Blackguard deals with mature themes and content. Please confirm you, the player, are over 18.:

Why do you wish to join Blackguard?:
So I wrote up this pretty big thing and then these forums kind of ate it. So here's the slightly shorter version. I've basically only ever played very much so civilian RP things and then been mostly in Troll guilds. (the race, not the internet kind) So I figure I should branch out a little bit. And I'm not very fond of the giant guilds that really only seem to be about interacting with other characters instead of other people. Another reason is that I know some people of the now inactive guild I've been in for most of my RP career ( is that a thing? ) are in this guild, which probably means that everyone in it is quite awesome.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Hobbies, job, talents, accomplishments, whatever you're comfortable sharing.:
I'm a 20 year old student of Software Engineering from the Netherlands, nearabout Amsterdam. I've also been working part-time as a developer for the past couple of months. ( I make the code that makes stuff do things. Often poorly. ) My hobbies include; gaming ( obviously ), juggling ( poorly ), reading lots of fantasy books, watching good to really bad tv ( I just started gossip girl. I hate different people every episode, it's great. ), and I enjoy tasting different kinds of delicious beers. Also I'm the best worst cook to ever cook and I have a dog (one), cats(multiple), and sheep (also multiple).

Tell us about your background in roleplay.:
My background in roleplay consists of literally only wow rp. I started of checking it out early wrath by making a human death knight. I then proceeded to join the evilest of evil evil guilds and skulked around beneath the cathedral in Stormwind. It was lovely. And really really bad. Then, having caught the taste for RP I migrated my troll hunter to this realm and joined the first cool looking guild I found. That guild was The Cult of the Raptor, and I stayed with them for many many years. They're now rather inactive, ( which is in part due to me just dissappearing for two years because RL ( real life, not rocket league. Though that game is awesome. )).
In the cult I participated in and hosted various events, being the laziest officer to ever be an officer in a guild.
So now I'm looking to branch out a bit from the Troll rp because I've lost the ability to properly type the cool accent.

Over the years I've also done some non troll rp but that has been very minor and was just really more of a side thing ( Is that possible when it comes to RP? It is right? ).

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 15th, '16, 06:02 

Joined: Aug 13th, '16, 21:29
Posts: 5
I genuinely thing this forum enjoys eating my posts..

So ill just post the non filled in fields here.
Character name: Blightbone
Race and class: Undead death knight.
Matthias Redwood was a coward.
He was a man who followed the holy light but showed no compassion to his peers.
He was a man who called himself a true patriot but hid when the call to arms was sounded.
He was a man who ran as soon as the plague struck, leaving his family to die.
He was a man who didn’t run fast enough.
Then, Matthias Redwood died.

Matthias Blightwalker had no fear.
He was a man who served the Forsaken.
He was a man whose purpose was to destroy the Scourge.
He was a man who was first into the breach, and last to leave the battlefield.
He was a man who didn’t live a day without running his blade red with blood.
Then, Matthias Blightwalker died.

Blightbone was a vengeful man.
Being raised by the lich king after dying a second time was not a pleasant experience for
Blightbone. Having spend most of his undeath fighting the very thing he was now forced to
serve left him rather annoyed with his continued existence. To be fair, he was fine with crushing
the remnants of the scarlet crusade, he’d just preferred if it were his own choice instead of that
of the lich king’s commanders.
When the Ebon Blade broke free of the Lich King’s control Blightbone vowed to end the
Scourge once and for all. Unwilling to face his Forsaken brethren after having once more fallen
under the Scourge’s control he tossed himself into the Ebon Blade’s attack on Northrend.
Then, when the Lich King was defeated he again lost his purpose, and the outlet the war gave
him for his bloodlust.
Now he seeks a new purpose to fill the void.

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 17th, '16, 13:32 
Lieutenant (Site Admin)
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Forums feed on the posts of unfortunate applicants to grow in power. It's all part of their master plan. :)

Thanks for the application, Blightbone; the officers of the guild will talk it over and get back to you as soon as we can.


 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 17th, '16, 19:10 

Joined: Aug 13th, '16, 21:29
Posts: 5
Hallo our mighty forum overlords then! I mean..better safe than sorry right?
And I look forward to hearing back from you lot.

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 17th, '16, 22:27 
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Joined: Aug 20th, '13, 16:03
Posts: 159
Hello there. I am not an officer type, just a normal member. But I am still curious and have some questions.

From personal experience I have found DKs a bit tricky to play. Fun, but tricky. Especially in social situations, while we do fairly regularly throw events, most of our RP are being made in social situations. How do you feel your character would be / work in a typical sitting around the fireplace and just talk nonsense kind of situation?

My other question comes to the dislike of other forsaken. How strongly does he dislike them. Since we have other forsaken in the guild (sometimes). It would be interesting to know beforehand if it would cause any serious issues.

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 18th, '16, 10:26 

Joined: Aug 13th, '16, 21:29
Posts: 5
Let me start of by saying that it's not so much a dislike for other Forsaken as it is him feeling guilt about being taken again by the scourge, and being forced to fight his own kind.
It means that he dislikes interacting with other Forsaken in larger numbers, because the moment they become less individuals but more a group he feels like they might end up looking to him, and he'll let them down.
However on an individual basis he is usually fine. A bit apprehensive perhaps.

As far as the Death Knight part I feel like the arguments you make are very valid, with most of them leaning towards the brooding, must kill things, lets kill things, I killed it type of stuff.
I do think that it's slightly different for Forsaken Death Knights though. They've had some time to get used to the whole being dead thing. I'd say the only real difference between a regular Forsaken and a Forsaken Death Knight is that the Death Knight feels that Scourge instilled bloodlust a lot worse than a regular one would. Apart from that, I believe them to not be very different from the regular Forsaken lot.
They'll still have the same sort of beliefs, they're just a little more prone to murder sprees.

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 20th, '16, 11:56 
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Joined: Aug 17th, '13, 04:17
Posts: 267
Hey there Blightbone!
You've been bumped to the IC meeting stage! Hit us up ingame and we'll get it set up.

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 22nd, '16, 17:06 

Joined: Aug 13th, '16, 21:29
Posts: 5
Awesome! Ill try to get in touch sometime this week!

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 26th, '16, 19:06 

Joined: Aug 13th, '16, 21:29
Posts: 5
Hi, I've bene having some RL stuff that needs taking care of this week so it might not be till next week that I have the time to play on normal times. So yeah, I haven't disappeared, but probably won't be this week that I can do the IC meeting. Sorry!

 Post subject: Re: Blightbone
PostPosted: Aug 26th, '16, 20:25 
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Joined: Aug 17th, '13, 04:17
Posts: 267
Hey again!
Don't worry about it, RL happens sometimes and will always take precedence.
We'll be here when you get back. :)
Good luck with it all!

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